New Service Center Announcement

Grand Canyon Council Scouters, 

Camp Geronimo is underway with our new small cohort model and the Scouts and leaders are having a great time, socially distanced at all times, experiencing Scout Camp.  

 As you may have seen in our most recent newsletter, our council Service Center has moved to a new location.  We sold the old building in June and have relocated to a location more centrally located to our Scouts, leaders, and units. 

More details on these announcements can be viewed here in a video message. 

 In summary, the benefits of our new location are  

  • It is more centrally located to more of our council’s membership.  
  • It will save us considerable operating expense moving forward.   
  • It was fully furnished which has allowed us to upgrade our work environment at no cost to the council. 

Overall, a win and big step forward to repositioning Grand Canyon Council and Scouting for our next 100 years. 

 Please be sure to update your contact list with our new address: 

 8840 East Chaparral Road, Suite 200 

Scottsdale, Arizona 85250 


Andy Price 

Scout Executive/CEO 

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